Consorzio Nazionale Grappa

Promotion and protection of grappa: President Sebastiano Caffo about the Consorzio Nazionale Grappa

[Advertorial] The Consorzio Nazionale Grappa is an association for the protection, promotion and safeguarding of the quality of grappa with a geographical indication of origin from the premium class. The non-profit organisation was founded two years ago by leading Italian producers and is now also present on the German market with various measures. Sebastiano Caffo is the current president of the CNG. In addition to heading the organisation, he is also Managing Director of Caffo Srl, a leading company for spirits, including grappa.

We spoke to him in an interview about the Consorzio Nazionale Grappa, its tasks and objectives, its member distilleries and its first appearance at BCB 2024.

The Consorzio Nazionale Grappa was founded around two years ago. What were the reasons?

Sebastiano Caffo: The Consorzio Nazionale Grappa (CNG) was born by the wish of the main Grappa producers to find a common vessel to jointly promote, under its collective mark, the authenticity of Grappa, stimulating its notoriety and its quality standards among consumers, stakeholders and opinion leaders. Grappa has unique characteristics and it’s a 100% Italian spirit, from the raw material to the distilling and processing stages. All members of the CNG have a certificate, issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and verified by a special control body, which guarantees the authenticity of the product.

Consorzio Nazionale Grappa

What are the tasks of the Consorzio Nazionale Grappa?

Sebastiano Caffo: CNG ambition can be divided into two main areas: to promote and to protect. Indeed, on the one hand it aims to protect the economic, cultural and traditional value of Grappa also by distinguish the Grappa production chain both on the domestic and foreign markets. On the other hand, to push the true meaning of Grappa and to increase its knowledge, reputation and diffusion in Italy and abroad, CNG sets promotion and information activities headed to the B2C and B2B relationships.

What are your short and long-term goals?

Sebastiano Caffo: As a shot-term objective we aim to promote Grappa as a glamorous, youthful and versatile product (think of its use in cocktails) on sophisticated occasions, with a high emotional and informative content. In other words, to innovate image of the product and making it suitable for a consumer consumer who wants a high quality product, but who who does not want to renounce the hedonistic aspects of life, provided they are conducted with awareness and moderation.

On a long term we wish to bring the knowledge of Grappa to levels comparable to those of similar distillates as Whiskey or Cognac.

Consorzio Nazionale Grappa

Which distilleries belong to the Consorzio Nazionale Grappa?

Sebastiano Caffo: The full list is available here. Just to mention some of them, divided per geographical area:

  • Mazzetti and Francoli (north-west)
  • Rossi D’Angera, Bonollo, Da Ponte, Bonaventura Maschio,  Nardini and Castagner (northern region of Lombardia and Veneto)
  • Deta (Tuscany)
  • Marzadro and Roner (north-east: Trentino and Südtirol)
  • Caffo and Bianchi from the south of Italy (Calabria and Sicily)

CNG comprises the major signature of Grappa and also an group, Istituto Tutela Grappa Trentina, that refers to a specific geographical are in northern east Italy with about 30 companies.

Let’s talk about grappa: What is special about the spirit?

Sebastiano Caffo: Grappa is a geographical indication whose raw material, distillation and processing must take place entirely on the Italian national soil. The name grappa actually covers a multitude of products that vary according to the type of grape pomace used (mix of varieties or individual vines), the skill with which it has been processed by the master distiller and the possible period of ageing. This is why we say to those who think they don’t like Grappa that they just need to find their ideal type!

Consorzio Nazionale Grappa

How is grappa positioned on the Italian market? How is it positioned on the German market?

Sebastiano Caffo: Driving the export of Grappa are European countries, primarily Germany, the main destination market for Grappa exported (54%), followed by Switzerland, Austria Russia, Spain, the United States and Canada.

However, the trends recorded in the last period indicate a significant drop in the average selling price of the product to the public in the reference countries, due to the growing presence of lower quality and lower priced spirits, at the to the detriment of better products such as Grappa IG. Moreover, the lower degree of knowledge of Grappa and the high competition with distillates from the established market such as whisky, cognac, vodka or rum mean that the Grappa product is overshadowed by its major competitors.

You are exhibiting at the Bar Convent Berlin for the first time. What can visitors expect there?

Sebastiano Caffo: Visitors will meet the producers face to face, thanks to whom they will be able to experience the many nuances of Grappa and as it changes according to the individual characteristics selected by each brand. In addition, our barmen will offer a tasting both solo and combined with stylish cocktails.

Consorzio Nazionale Grappa

What else is on the agenda this year?

Sebastiano Caffo: We plan to launch initiatives in the German HoReCa channels that involve the host and the consumer at the same time. Other initiatives are also in the papeline, we invite you to stay tuned with our social channels to discover more!

Consorzio Nazionale Grappa | Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

+++ We would like to thank Sebastiano Caffo for the open and very interesting interview! If you also have an interesting brand, then we should talk. Just send us an e-mail with the subject “about-drinks interview” to – we look forward to hearing from you! +++

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