Programme highlights

Before and after the trade show: This will happen at Bar Convent Berlin 2021

11 to 13 October will see the international bar community reunite at “Bar Convent Berlin” (BCB). And the programme promises to present some highlights – both at the exhibition grounds and at a variety of evening events in the Berlin night life.

After a COVID-induced break of one year the producers of spirits, mixers and everything bar lovers could wish for will again meet with bar owners and dealers from all over the world. For three days visitors are in for some 200 exhibitors and a wide programme of many highlights, including lectures by high-calibre “on trend” bartenders. And those who still just can’t get enough can also look forward to evening side events.

Stage programme in its own class

Delighted at the cross section of this year’s speakers Angus Winchester, Director of Education at BCB, says: “We will again be welcoming wonderful colleagues as guest lecturers on site. Next to lessons learnt from the pandemic, new concept ideas and tips and tricks revolving around the bar trade, social themes will also receive the visibility they deserve.” Hannah Lanfear and Dr. Lo Marshall will explain how to create an open and diverse bar culture where the LGBTQ community also feels welcome.

The international origin of speakers is also reflected by the topics addressed: They will shed some light on the newly emerging hotspots of the bar world such as Miami, Copenhagen and Singapore, for example. They are currently rated as culinary top destinations by bartenders the world over.

Very special insights will be shared with visitors by amongst others Jad Ballout, who lost his bar in Beirut due to the explosion and fought his way back to the top of the bar community with a new concept called “Dead End Paradise”. Likewise, ecological sustainability, the digital future of bartender education and the way to become an Ambassador as well as many other topics that move the industry will find their deserved place in the lecture programme. Interested parties can also access selected talks digitally on the website.

“City Life Spirits” – experiencing Berlin with all the senses

Berlin is and will always be the home of the Bar Convent – also after the change of location from Station Berlin to the exhibition halls. To make this perfectly clear this year’s trade show hot spots will also reflect the hip metropolis on the premises: The hot spot in Hall 18 is all about the “Urban Gardening” theme and the use of herbs and fresh produce at bars. At the Palais things will become incredibly sensual: Under the heading “Senses” there will be spirit tastings and samplings as well as lectures that inspire sensorics.

At the Coffee Experience Bar coffee lovers will get to know this popular hot beverage in a completely new way. And in Hall 19 the colourful and creative side to the German capital will be made visible by street artists. Furthermore, there will also be an Urban Market with a number of industry newcomers, the “Young Guns”.

Off to night life: Berlin “barscape” lures visitors with evening events

When the exhibition halls close this is not the end of the day for visitors. This year the trade show will be complemented by side events. In cooperation with various spirits brands and hip Berlin bars BCB will transport its atmosphere to the Berlin city centre. Joining the fray will be: Green Door, Provocateur, Velvet, Wax On, House of Gin and Black Rabbit. And what’s more: at every location renowned bartenders and teams of famous international top bars will be working guest shifts. Guests can look forward to Jad Ballout and the teams of “Little Red Door” and “Le Mary Celeste” from Paris, “Three Sheets” from London, “Insider Bar Lab” from Moscow, “Two Schmucks” from Barcelona and “Himkok” from Norway.

“The evening events are very special highlights that evidence that BCB is so much more than just a trade show but a feeling that the bar community spreads,” stresses Petra Lassahn, Director of the International Bar and Beverage Trade Show, and goes on to say: “Especially after the difficulties of last year we are all the happier to see great bartenders travelling from so many countries just for these guest shifts.” The evening events are supported by the brands Fords Gin, Woodford Reserve, Slane, Benriache, Noilly Prat, Bombay Sapphire, Cognac Ferrand, Plantation Rum, Citadelle Gin and Schweppes.

Another partner worth mentioning is MBG International Premium Brands – they will again feature as a water partner at the trade show with Acqua Morelli and provide all exhibitors and visitors with free water.

Celebrity visitors from London: Rémy Savage and team will run the BCB Bauhaus Pop Up Bar

It is known as “the bar with no name”, which has already built an international reputation for its inimitable and minimalist Bauhaus style. Now the trade show team and sponsor Russian Standard Vodka will exclusively bring this famous London bar by Frenchman Rémy Savage to Berlin. But not only Rémy Savage and his team will provide insights into what makes their concept so special at the Palais on the fairgrounds. Thanks to the cooperation with furniture partner Zeitlos Berlin, a leading online design gallery from the metropolis, this bar will also be staged in Blauhaus style at the Palais.

Exhibitors travelling from 22 countries

To the tune of 200 international exhibitors will be on site in Berlin presenting over 900 brands and products at Bar Convent Berlin – including some promising newcomers, the “Young Guns”. Looking at the full list of exhibitors we can see that this year the best represented product category is clearly gin, followed by liqueurs. Also ranking high on the list: bitters & aperitifs, rum, vodka and vermouth.

Safety first: These hygiene rules apply to visitors and exhibitors

To ensure the trade show is safe for all participants, wearing face masks covering mouth and nose is mandatory, unless attendees are seated at exhibition stands or stages. Tastings are also possible as usual. Furthermore, the VRT-rule shall apply to all visitors: Access will be restricted to vaccinated, recovered persons or tested persons with a proof not older than 24 hours.

About BCB

BCB is one of the leading international trade shows for the bar and beverage industries. Every year the Who’s Who of the German and European bar and beverage sectors meet to make new contacts, learn about product innovations and attend continuous education seminars.

About RX

RX has set itself the task of generating business for individuals, communities and organisations. By combining data and digital products RX makes 400 events in 22 countries and 43 industries even more attractive. RX forms part of RELX, a global supplier of data-based analysis and decision-making tools for professional and business customers.

Source: Reed Exhibitions | Picture: BCB / Ken Buslay

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